The Art of Laser Engraving: Innovations for Paper & Cardboard Projects

Laser engraving has revolutionized the world of paper and cardboard crafts, offering artists and creators a versatile and precise tool for unleashing their creativity. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating realm of laser engraving and explore the latest innovations that have elevated this art form to new heights. From intricate designs to intricate details, laser engraving opens up a realm of possibilities for transforming ordinary paper and cardboard into stunning works of art. Join us as we uncover the innovative techniques and technologies that are shaping the future of laser engraving in paper and cardboard projects.

Laser engraving has become an indispensable tool for artists, hobbyists, and professionals alike, allowing them to bring their ideas to life with unparalleled precision and intricacy. By harnessing the power of laser technology, it is now possible to etch intricate designs, patterns, and even text onto various paper and cardboard surfaces with remarkable accuracy.

Engraving the article:

The Significance of Laser Engraving in Paper and Cardboard Crafts

Laser engraving has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of paper and cardboard crafts, offering a range of benefits that traditional methods simply cannot match. With laser precision, artists can achieve intricate details and crisp lines that were once unimaginable. The level of control and accuracy afforded by laser engraving allows for the creation of intricate designs, fine textures, and even three-dimensional effects.

Innovations in laser engraving technology have propelled the art of paper and cardboard crafts to new heights. With precision, speed, and limitless creativity, laser engraving offers artists and creators a powerful tool for turning their visions into reality. From intricate designs to personalized creations, the possibilities are endless. As technology continues to evolve, we can only anticipate even more exciting innovations on the horizon. So, embrace the art of laser engraving and explore the endless possibilities it holds for your paper and cardboard projects. Unleash your creativity, push the boundaries, and let laser engraving elevate your craft to new dimensions.

Laser Engraver WAINLUX K6 Pro, 3000mW Laser Engraving Machine, 0.05mm Accuracy, BT Connection Portable Mini Laser Cutter

Understanding Laser Engraving

Laser engraving has emerged as a powerful and versatile tool in the realm of artistic expression, particularly when it comes to paper and cardboard projects. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of laser engraving, shedding light on its concept, applications, and the fascinating ways it interacts with various materials.

Explaining the Concept of Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is a precise and controlled technique that utilizes the focused energy of a laser beam to etch or cut intricate designs onto different surfaces. In the context of paper and cardboard projects, laser engraving allows artists and creators to add personalized, detailed, and visually stunning elements to their work.

At the core of laser engraving lies the principle of selective material removal. The laser beam emits a concentrated energy beam that rapidly heats and vaporizes the surface of the material it comes into contact with. This controlled heating and vaporization process result in precise etching or cutting of the desired design.

Application of Laser Engraving in Paper and Cardboard Projects

Laser engraving finds extensive application in the world of paper and cardboard crafts, offering a range of possibilities and creative opportunities. Here are some notable applications:

  • Customized Greeting Cards: Laser engraving enables the creation of intricate and personalized designs on greeting cards, enhancing their visual appeal and sentimental value. From delicate patterns to finely etched messages, laser-engraved greeting cards stand out as unique and memorable tokens of affection.
  • Intricate Paper Art: Artists can leverage laser engraving to push the boundaries of paper art, transforming flat surfaces into textured masterpieces. By selectively engraving or cutting the paper, three-dimensional effects, delicate lace-like patterns, and elaborate motifs can be achieved, breathing life into the artwork.
  • Cardboard Packaging Design: Laser engraving adds a touch of sophistication and branding to cardboard packaging. With laser precision, logos, product information, or decorative elements can be etched onto the cardboard surface, elevating the packaging’s aesthetic appeal and leaving a lasting impression on customers.

How Laser Engraving Works on Different Materials

Laser engraving interacts with various materials in distinct ways, resulting in different visual effects and considerations. When it comes to paper and cardboard, the engraving process involves the careful adjustment of laser power, speed, and focal point to achieve the desired outcome.

Paper, being a fibrous and delicate material, responds well to laser engraving. By controlling the laser parameters, artists can create intricate designs without compromising the structural integrity of the paper. The depth and darkness of the engraving can be adjusted to suit the desired effect, from subtle etchings to pronounced contrasts.

Cardboard, on the other hand, presents unique considerations due to its layered composition. The laser beam can penetrate the top layer of the cardboard, resulting in precise engraving. However, it’s important to ensure that the engraving depth does not compromise the structural integrity of the cardboard. Finding the right balance between design intricacy and material strength is key.

In both cases, proper ventilation and safety precautions should be observed when laser engraving paper and cardboard to avoid potential fire hazards.

Understanding the concept of laser engraving and its application in paper and cardboard projects allows artists and creators to harness the full potential of this innovative technique. By leveraging laser precision, intricate designs, and personalized touches can be added to various paper and cardboard creations, transforming them into awe-inspiring works of art. So, embrace the world of laser engraving and unleash your creativity on the canvas of paper and cardboard!

Advantages of Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard

Advantages of Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard

Laser engraving has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of paper and cardboard crafts, offering a multitude of advantages over traditional methods. In this section, we will explore two key advantages: the precision and detail achieved through laser engraving, and the faster production time and increased efficiency it brings compared to conventional techniques.

The Precision and Detail Achieved through Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard

When it comes to precision and detail, laser engraving reigns supreme in the world of paper and cardboard projects. Utilizing cutting-edge laser technology, this technique allows for the creation of intricate and finely-detailed designs that were once thought to be unattainable.

The laser beam, controlled by sophisticated software and precise parameters, navigates with utmost accuracy, etching precise lines, intricate patterns, and delicate details onto the surfaces of paper and cardboard. This level of precision elevates the overall quality and visual impact of the finished products, lending them an air of sophistication and artistry.

Whether it’s a customized greeting card with intricately engraved typography, a meticulously detailed papercraft sculpture, or a precisely etched cardboard packaging design, laser engraving enables artists and crafters to achieve remarkable levels of intricacy and finesse. The sharpness and clarity of the engraved lines, combined with the ability to capture even the most intricate details, make laser engraving an indispensable tool for those seeking perfection in their paper and cardboard creations.

Faster Production Time and Increased Efficiency Compared to Traditional Methods for Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard

In addition to its unparalleled precision, laser engraving also offers significant advantages in terms of production time and efficiency. Compared to traditional methods such as manual cutting or stamping, laser engraving can drastically reduce production timelines and increase overall efficiency.

Traditional techniques often require intricate manual labor, involving the use of cutting tools or stamps that can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Laser engraving, on the other hand, automates the process with speed and precision. The laser beam swiftly and accurately engraves the desired design onto paper or cardboard surfaces, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing production time.

This increased efficiency not only allows artists and crafters to complete projects in a shorter span but also enables them to take on larger volumes of work without compromising on quality. With laser engraving, intricate designs that would have previously taken hours or days to complete can now be achieved in a fraction of the time, allowing for faster turnaround and improved productivity.

Moreover, laser engraving eliminates the need for additional tools or templates that are typically associated with traditional methods. There is no requirement for physical cutting tools, stamps, or molds, streamlining the workflow and reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies. The digital nature of laser engraving allows for easy replication and scaling of designs, further enhancing efficiency and minimizing wastage.

The advantages of laser engraving for paper and cardboard projects are undeniable. The precision and detail it offers elevate the quality and visual appeal of the final products, making them stand out in a competitive market. Simultaneously, the faster production time and increased efficiency provided by laser engraving empower artists and crafters to meet demanding deadlines and handle larger workloads. By harnessing the power of laser technology, creators can unlock new levels of creativity and achieve remarkable results in their paper and cardboard endeavors.

Exploring Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard Techniques

Exploring Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard Techniques

Laser engraving is a versatile and powerful tool that opens up a world of creative possibilities for paper and cardboard projects. In this section, we will delve into two popular techniques used in laser engraving: vector engraving and raster engraving. Each technique brings its own unique capabilities, allowing artists and designers to achieve different effects and unleash their creativity.

Vector Engraving: Creating Crisp and Precise Lines on Laser Engraving Paper and Cardboard

Vector engraving is a technique employed in laser engraving that enables the creation of crisp and precise lines on paper and cardboard surfaces. It involves the use of vector graphics, which are mathematical paths defined by points and lines, to guide the laser beam in etching the desired design onto the material.

The laser beam follows the vector paths with utmost precision, resulting in clean and sharp lines on the paper or cardboard. This technique is particularly suitable for engraving text, logos, or intricate shapes that require well-defined edges and smooth curves.

One of the key advantages of vector engraving is its ability to produce intricate designs with utmost accuracy. Whether it’s delicate filigree patterns on a wedding invitation or precise cutouts for a pop-up card, vector engraving ensures that every line is precisely engraved, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the final piece.

Moreover, vector engraving allows for scalability without loss of quality. Artists can create designs in vector format and easily resize them without compromising the sharpness and clarity of the engraved lines. This flexibility makes vector engraving an ideal technique for producing consistent and professional-looking artwork across different sizes and formats.

Raster Engraving: Achieving Shading and Texture Effects on Laser Engraving Paper and Cardboard

Raster engraving, another technique used in laser engraving, focuses on achieving shading and texture effects on paper and cardboard surfaces. Unlike vector engraving, which relies on precise lines, raster engraving utilizes varying intensities of laser pulses to create shades and textures.

In raster engraving, the laser beam scans across the material in a back-and-forth motion, adjusting the power of the laser according to the desired effect. By controlling the intensity and frequency of the laser pulses, artists can create gradients, shading, and even simulate texture on the paper or cardboard.

This technique is particularly effective in replicating the look of hand-drawn illustrations or adding depth to intricate designs. It allows for the creation of realistic shadows, subtle gradients, and intricate textures that enhance the overall visual appeal of the engraved artwork.

Furthermore, raster engraving offers artists the flexibility to experiment with different engraving depths, resulting in a tactile experience for the viewer. By adjusting the laser power, they can achieve varying depths of engraving, giving the artwork a three-dimensional quality that captivates the senses.

Combining Techniques for Limitless Creativity

While vector engraving and raster engraving offer distinct capabilities, they are not mutually exclusive. In fact, combining both techniques can unlock even more creative possibilities. Artists and designers can utilize vector engraving for precise lines and intricate shapes, while employing raster engraving for shading, texture effects, and depth.

By exploring the interplay between these two techniques, artists can push the boundaries of laser engraving for paper and cardboard projects. They can create stunning artworks, captivating illustrations, and visually striking designs that leave a lasting impression on viewers.

Laser engraving offers an array of techniques for paper and cardboard projects, with vector engraving and raster engraving being two prominent approaches. Vector engraving allows for the creation of precise lines and shapes, while raster engraving adds shading, texture, and depth. When combined, these techniques open up a world of limitless creativity, empowering artists and designers to bring their visions to life with unparalleled precision and visual impact.

The Best Laser Engraving Machines for Paper & Cardboard

The Best Laser Engraving Machines for Paper & Cardboard

When it comes to laser engraving on paper and cardboard, having the right machine can make all the difference. In this section, we will explore the different types of laser engraving machines that are suitable for paper and cardboard projects. Additionally, we will discuss important considerations to keep in mind when choosing a laser engraving machine that meets your specific needs.

CO2 Laser Engraving Machines for Paper & Cardboard

CO2 laser engraving machines are among the most popular options for paper and cardboard projects. These machines utilize a high-powered CO2 laser beam to engrave designs onto the material’s surface. They are known for their versatility, precision, and ability to handle intricate details.

CO2 laser engraving machines offer adjustable power settings, allowing users to control the intensity of the laser beam. This versatility is particularly advantageous when working with different types of paper and cardboard materials, as it ensures optimal engraving results without causing damage or burning.

Fiber Laser Engraving Machines for Paper & Cardboard

While fiber laser engraving machines are commonly associated with metal engraving, they can also be used for paper and cardboard projects. These machines use a fiber optic laser source that is highly efficient and delivers precise results.

Fiber laser engraving machines are known for their speed and accuracy, making them suitable for large-scale production and intricate designs. They provide excellent engraving quality and can handle various paper and cardboard thicknesses with ease.

Diode Laser Engraving Machines for Paper & Cardboard

Diode laser engraving machines are compact and affordable options that are well-suited for smaller paper and cardboard projects. They utilize a diode laser source that offers moderate power and can deliver satisfactory engraving results on these materials.

These machines are easy to operate and require minimal maintenance. They are a great choice for hobbyists, small businesses, or individuals who are just starting their laser engraving journey. Diode laser engraving machines are often portable, making them convenient for on-the-go projects.

Considerations when Choosing a Laser Engraving Machine for Paper & Cardboard

When selecting a laser engraving machine for paper and cardboard projects, it’s important to consider several factors to ensure you make the right choice:

  1. Power and Speed: Evaluate the power and speed capabilities of the machine. Higher power allows for deeper and faster engraving, while adjustable speed settings offer flexibility for different project requirements.
  2. Workspace Size: Consider the size of the machine’s workspace, which determines the maximum dimensions of paper and cardboard that can be engraved. Ensure it accommodates your desired project sizes.
  3. Software Compatibility: Check if the machine is compatible with the design software you prefer to use. This ensures a seamless workflow and ease of transferring designs to the engraving machine.
  4. Material Compatibility: Verify that the laser engraving machine is specifically designed to work with paper and cardboard materials. This ensures optimal results and prevents damage to the materials.
  5. Ease of Use: Consider the user-friendliness of the machine, including its interface, software, and overall operating process. A machine with intuitive controls and clear instructions can enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  6. Budget: Determine your budget and find a laser engraving machine that offers the best value for your investment. Consider the long-term costs, including maintenance, replacement parts, and potential upgrades.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a laser engraving machine that aligns with your specific needs and enhances your paper and cardboard projects.

Choosing the right laser engraving machine is crucial for achieving exceptional results in your paper and cardboard projects. CO2, fiber, and diode laser engraving machines are popular options, each with their own strengths. Consider factors such as power, speed, workspace size, software compatibility, material compatibility, ease of use, and budget when making your decision. With the right machine at your disposal, you can unlock endless creative possibilities and take your laser engraving endeavors to new heights.

Innovations in Laser Engraving on Paper and Cardboard Technology

Laser engraving technology has come a long way, and its advancements have revolutionized the world of paper and cardboard engraving. In this section, we will explore some of the latest innovations in laser systems and their impact on the field. We will also delve into the benefits of high-speed laser engraving for large-scale projects on paper and cardboard.

Advanced Laser Systems on Paper and Cardboard

The continuous evolution of laser systems has opened up new possibilities for precision and intricacy in paper and cardboard engraving. One notable innovation is the development of galvanometer-based laser systems. These systems utilize high-speed mirrors to rapidly position the laser beam, allowing for faster and more precise engraving.

With galvanometer-based laser systems, engravers can achieve intricate designs and detailed patterns on paper and cardboard with exceptional accuracy. The advanced control mechanisms of these systems ensure smooth and consistent movement of the laser beam, resulting in sharp and well-defined engraving lines.

Additionally, the integration of advanced software and computer-aided design (CAD) tools has further enhanced the capabilities of laser engraving technology. Engravers now have access to sophisticated design options, enabling them to create intricate and complex artwork on paper and cardboard surfaces.

High-Speed Laser Engraving for Paper and Cardboard

High-speed laser engraving has become a game-changer for large-scale projects on paper and cardboard. Traditionally, engraving extensive designs or multiple copies would take a significant amount of time, but with high-speed laser engraving, the process has been greatly expedited.

Using powerful laser systems and optimized engraving techniques, high-speed engraving allows for rapid production without compromising quality. Engravers can achieve shorter production cycles and meet demanding project deadlines, making it ideal for commercial applications and bulk orders.

The benefits of high-speed laser engraving extend beyond time savings. The precise control and high repeatability of laser systems ensure consistent engraving quality throughout the entire project. This technology also minimizes errors and reduces material wastage, maximizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Furthermore, high-speed laser engraving enables engravers to explore new creative possibilities. The speed and efficiency of the process encourage experimentation and iteration, allowing for the realization of more ambitious and intricate designs on paper and cardboard.

The combination of advanced laser systems and high-speed engraving techniques has propelled the field of paper and cardboard engraving to new heights. These innovations have not only improved productivity and efficiency but have also expanded the creative boundaries for artists, designers, and manufacturers alike.

The innovations in laser engraving technology have revolutionized the world of paper and cardboard engraving. Advanced laser systems with galvanometer-based control and sophisticated software have enabled engravers to achieve unprecedented precision and detail. High-speed engraving has further elevated the capabilities of laser systems, providing faster production times and enhanced efficiency for large-scale projects. With these innovations, the possibilities for creativity and craftsmanship in laser engraving on paper and cardboard are boundless.

Material Selection for Laser Engraving on Paper and Cardboard

When it comes to laser engraving on paper and cardboard, selecting the right materials is crucial for achieving optimal results. In this section, we will explore the types of paper and cardboard that are suitable for laser engraving and discuss the key factors to consider when choosing materials for specific projects.

Types of Paper for Laser Engraving on Paper and Cardboard

Not all paper is suitable for laser engraving, as the process involves intense heat and focused laser beams. However, certain types of paper have been specifically developed for this purpose. One popular choice is laser engraving paper, which is designed to withstand the heat and produce crisp, clean engraving lines. Laser engraving paper is typically coated to enhance the engraving contrast and prevent the paper from burning or warping during the process.

Additionally, handmade and specialty papers can also be used for laser engraving, adding a unique and artistic touch to the final result. These papers often have distinctive textures and fibers that can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the engraved design.

Cardboard Options for Laser Engraving on Paper and Cardboard

Cardboard, being a thicker and more robust material, requires careful consideration when choosing the right type for laser engraving. Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is a popular choice for laser engraving on cardboard. MDF is a dense and flat composite board that offers excellent engraving precision and consistency. It is commonly used for creating intricate designs and patterns on cardboard surfaces.

Corrugated cardboard, although more challenging to engrave due to its layered structure, can also be used with proper adjustments to laser settings. With its distinctive ridges, corrugated cardboard can add a unique texture to the engraved artwork, creating an interesting visual effect.

Factors to Consider for Laser Engraving on Paper and Cardboard

When selecting paper and cardboard for laser engraving, there are several factors to consider to ensure successful outcomes. These factors include:

a. Heat Tolerance: The selected materials should have sufficient heat tolerance to withstand the laser engraving process without warping, burning, or producing undesirable results. Choosing materials specifically designed for laser engraving minimizes the risk of heat-related issues.

b. Surface Smoothness: The surface of the paper or cardboard should be smooth and flat to ensure accurate engraving. Rough or textured surfaces may affect the precision of the engraved lines and result in less defined details.

c. Color Contrast: Consider the color contrast between the material and the engraved design. Optimal contrast enhances the visibility and legibility of the engraving. Dark-colored papers or cardboard often yield better results when engraved, as the engraving lines stand out more prominently.

d. Thickness and Durability: The thickness and durability of the materials should match the requirements of the project. Thicker papers or cardboard provide more stability and are suitable for projects that require structural integrity or dimensional stability.

e. Environmental Impact: If sustainability is a concern, choose materials that are environmentally friendly and recyclable. Look for paper and cardboard options that have been manufactured using sustainable practices and materials.

By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure that the selected paper and cardboard materials are compatible with laser engraving and meet the specific requirements of your projects.

Selecting the right materials for laser engraving on paper and cardboard is essential for achieving high-quality results. Laser engraving papers and specialty papers are designed to withstand the process and enhance the engraving contrast, while MDF and corrugated cardboard offer unique possibilities for engraving on cardboard surfaces. By considering factors such as heat tolerance, surface smoothness, color contrast, thickness, and environmental impact, you can make informed decisions when choosing materials for your laser engraving projects. Remember, the right materials can elevate the overall quality and visual impact of your laser-engraved creations.

Creative Applications of Laser Engraving on Paper & Cardboard

Laser engraving on paper and cardboard offers a world of creative possibilities beyond traditional printing methods. In this section, we will explore some exciting and innovative applications of laser engraving in the realm of paper and cardboard crafts.

Custom Invitations and Greeting Cards with Laser-Engraved Designs

When it comes to special occasions, such as weddings, birthdays, or corporate events, laser-engraved invitations and greeting cards add a touch of elegance and personalization. Laser engraving allows for intricate and detailed designs to be etched onto paper, creating a lasting impression on the recipient.

Imagine receiving an intricately engraved wedding invitation adorned with delicate floral patterns or a beautifully engraved birthday card featuring the recipient’s name in an exquisite font. Laser engraving brings these designs to life with precision and depth, making each piece truly unique.

Moreover, laser engraving allows for the incorporation of different materials, such as metallic foils or acrylic accents, to further enhance the visual impact of the invitations and greeting cards. The combination of laser-engraved elements and complementary embellishments adds a luxurious and sophisticated touch to these special occasions.

Personalized Packaging and Branding Solutions Using Laser Engraving

In the world of business, establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for success. Laser engraving offers an innovative solution for creating personalized packaging and branding materials that leave a lasting impression on customers.

Imagine opening a package and finding a laser-engraved logo or message on the box or envelope. The precision and attention to detail provided by laser engraving elevate the packaging to a whole new level of sophistication. It creates a memorable unboxing experience that reflects the brand’s commitment to quality and creativity.

Moreover, laser engraving allows for customization beyond logos. Businesses can engrave intricate designs, patterns, or even customer names onto packaging materials, adding a personalized touch that enhances customer loyalty and connection.

Additionally, laser-engraved branding materials like business cards, promotional items, or product labels create a distinctive identity that sets businesses apart from their competitors. Laser engraving provides the versatility to engrave on various materials, such as wood veneer or acrylic, allowing for unique and eye-catching branding solutions.

The creative applications of laser engraving on paper and cardboard are limited only by imagination. From custom invitations and greeting cards to personalized packaging and branding solutions, laser engraving adds a touch of elegance, uniqueness, and personalization to any project. Whether it’s for special occasions or business branding, laser engraving opens up a world of creative possibilities that leave a lasting impression on recipients and customers alike.

Laser engraving on paper and cardboard presents a myriad of creative opportunities. Custom invitations and greeting cards showcase intricate designs and personalization, making them truly special. Personalized packaging and branding solutions featuring laser-engraved logos, messages, and designs create a lasting impression and set businesses apart from the competition. With laser engraving, the world of paper and cardboard crafts becomes a canvas for innovation and creativity, transforming ordinary materials into extraordinary works of art.

Pushing Boundaries: 3D Laser Engraving on Paper & Cardboard

In the world of laser engraving, technology continues to evolve, opening up new frontiers and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. One such innovation that has captured the imagination of artists, designers, and craftspeople is three-dimensional (3D) laser engraving on paper and cardboard. In this section, we will explore the exciting possibilities that this technique brings and delve into the advancements in 3D laser engraving technology.

Exploring the Possibilities of Three-Dimensional Laser Engraving on Paper and Cardboard

Traditionally, laser engraving has been associated with creating intricate and detailed 2D designs on flat surfaces. However, with advancements in laser technology, it is now possible to achieve stunning three-dimensional effects on paper and cardboard.

Imagine holding a laser-engraved paper sculpture that appears to come to life with depth and dimension. Delicate layers and contours create a tactile and visually captivating experience. From architectural models and decorative artworks to intricate paper-cut designs, 3D laser engraving on paper and cardboard opens up a world of possibilities for artists and designers to explore.

By manipulating laser intensity and focusing techniques, laser engraving machines can precisely remove material in different depths, creating a three-dimensional effect. This allows for the creation of complex shapes, intricate textures, and even the illusion of movement within a single piece of paper or cardboard.

3D laser engraving on paper and cardboard is a fascinating and rapidly advancing field within the realm of laser engraving. It offers artists, designers, and craftspeople the opportunity to explore new creative dimensions and push the boundaries of what is possible. With the ability to create three-dimensional sculptures, intricate textures, and captivating designs, 3D laser engraving opens up a world of artistic expression and innovation. As technology continues to evolve, we can only imagine the limitless possibilities that await in the realm of 3D laser engraving on paper and cardboard.

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The Art of Laser Engraving: Innovations for Paper & Cardboard Projects
Unlock a world of possibilities in artistic expression with the groundbreaking innovations in Laser Engraving for Paper & Cardboard Projects. 🌈🖋️
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